Wag'n World's Cancellation Grooming Policy
Wag'n Worlds' cancellation policy is easy and simple.
24-hour notice should be given by phone or email to Wag'n World to cancel your pup’s reservation.
Due to the increase high demand of dog grooming, cancelling a reservation on the same day will result in a 3 strike notice system.
After 3 Notices - a non-refundable 50% deposit will be required when making your future grooming appointments.
No Call/No Show - Grooming - First Notice
This notice is informing you, that you had a scheduled appointment that was missed with Wag'n World.
No Call/No Show - Grooming - Second Notice
This notice is informing you, that you had two scheduled appointments that were missed with Wag'n World.
No Call/No Show - Grooming - Third & Final Notice
This notice is informing you, that you had three scheduled appointments that were missed with Wag'n World and will require a non-refundable 50% deposit for every groom when scheduling.