All Wag’n World Dog Handlers are expected to complete Kennel Technician shifts along with their regular duties. These shifts will be evenly distributed to all employees on a rotating schedule. Participation is required barring extenuating circumstances.

 Dog Handler Expectations

Our guests come here to enjoy an open play environment where dogs can be dogs, but always remember that group play is a privilege that can be taken away if the dog is displaying concerning behavior of any kind while in group*. The dog handler position is a very important one. Without our dog handlers we would be unable to do everything we do to care for our guests properly and ensure all of our guests and employees are safe. With that being said, a list of a dog handlers’ expectations are as follows;

  • Consistently and thoroughly monitor dogs in the group and scan the room/yard

  • Hover over dogs at play to promptly separate if play is too rough

  • Pick up waste and dispose of it outside of the building

  • Maintain clean play areas. (dog waste/hair, etc.) 

  • Inform incoming staff of behaviors, time-outs, incidents, general health, etc.

  • Clean overnight kennels and transfer belongings into appropriate bins

  • Keep up with rotations between groups. (Smalls, Mediums, SOLOS)

  • Follow all company policies.

Kennel Technician Expectations

Kennel Technicians (KT’s) are responsible for the deep cleaning of the overnight kennels and ensuring that the kennels and facility are maintained to the high sanitation standards of Wag’n World. The daily expectations of KT’s are listed below;

  • Arrive on time to all shifts and be prepared to get busy  

  • Stay out of the way of the dogs and handlers in the room

  • Maintain a clean work space and keep your cleaning supplies stocked

  • Report MOD/ROD if you notice any structural issues 

  • Complete extra cleaning duties around the facility when instructed to